Villa CP

Villa CP Girona/Costa Brava


The house is very easy to reach by car. It's a quiet, country road. 

  • Nearest village, shops, gas, banks, etc, 6km (10 minutes by car) 
  • Buses from the village to the beach and Girona all day
  • Girona, 20 minutes


  • Girona 20 minutes from Villa CP (16 km)
  • Barcelona 75 minutes from Villa CP (100 km)
  • Perpignan 90 minutes from Villa CP (120 km)

Public transport

  • Bus, 6km
  • AVE high speed trains, Girona, 15km
  • Local trains, 10km
  • Taxis, 6km

To protect everyone's privacy, we don't publish the exact location on the internet. We will send exact directions when you make your booking. 

(For confirmed guests: if you lost the address that we sent you, Request directions

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